Going Mobile: Part 3

Going Mobile: Part 3
Photo by Hanna Morris / Unsplash

A change of plans:

The original design in part 2 had a few missing parts:

  • It didn't include the hosting of the Headscale server required for our Tailscale overlay network.
  • The assumption of being able to have 2 physical location wasn't correct in the context of Longhorn, and doing so would have caused a split-brain issue, so a third location running only an agent node is added.
  • There are a few options for k3s architecture, considering the addition of Location 4 (Cloud hosting) for the Headscale server, I have opted for the High Availability External DB by running etcd on the same machine as the Headscale server.

The new design:


There are a few options for Ingresses and making applications running on the platform available on the internet:

  1. Traefik ingresses
  2. Tailscale sidecar for each application
  3. Tailscale Kubernetes Operator - in Alpha at time of writing
  4. Cloudflared

In the cases of 1,2,3 access would be restricted to the machines within the Tailscale network, and for 4 access would be tunneled through Cloudflare.

Whats next:

  • Applications
  • Testing
  • Chaos Engineering Exercises

Explore the series:

This post is part of the 'Going Mobile' series. Explore the series further: